かつて、故郷南アフリカ共和国のユニセフ事務所で勤務し、現在は、本部でボイス・オブ・ユース(Voices of Youth)の運営も担当されているケイトさんに書面インタビューを実施しました。
– Can you tell us your career both in South Africa and in New York.
Working in South Africa was very special because it is my home and so there’s an extra level of urgency that you feel when it comes to the challenges, and an extra level of joy you feel when there is a major positive development for children. In New York however I get to work with colleagues and youth from all around the world and this is special in a different way. I am so inspired to see people working so hard for children’s rights and the future of our planet in so many different contexts; that we have this common vision we are working towards no matter where we are from.
– What is the most impressive job you have done so far?
I think one of the most challenging (and impressive for me) has been working on the rebuild of Voices of Youth this year. We’ll be launching a completely revamped site in a few weeks and I couldn’t be more excited. However, working on this project was often challenging as I do not have a background in web design or development. But on the positive side I feel that I have gained so much knowledge about this work that I didn’t have before and in a just a short pace of time we’ll have an amazing new site.
– What is your goal now?
This is a very exciting time to be working at UNICEF when you’re a youth engagement specialist. With the launch of Generation Unlimited in September there is so much excitement and resources being dedicated to adolescents and youth. My goal is to build on the successes we’ve had so far and to help take this work to a new level to deliver on the vision of Generation Unlimited.
若者の社会進出のためにユニセフで働く私にとって、今はとても魅力的な時です。 9月に立ち上げた「Generation Unlimited」では、多くの期待と支援が若者に向けられました。私の目標は今回の成功を基盤にして、この仕事を新しい段階に進め、Generation Unlimitedの理想を実現することです。
– Will you give some messages to young people in Japan? (who are often said to be shy)
Don’t ever think that your action don’t matter. Yes, it is almost impossible for one person to change the entire world, but the collective actions of millions are what really counts and how change happens. And don’t forget the huge impact you can have on the people around you. There are so many young people around the world who may be going through difficult times and making them feel included, being kind, those are ways in which any of you can have a big impact. I know it may sound a little simplistic but I really think the world could do with a lot more kindness – to ourselves, to each other, to our planet.
Kate Pawelczyk
She works with UNICEF’s global Division of Communication, with a focus on engaging adolescents and young people. She previously worked in UNICEF’s South Africa Country Office, and came to New York in 2012 to work on digital youth engagement and Voices of Youth – UNICEF’s global online community for young people.